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News Tips and Views 20/04/2013

April 19, 2013


I’m a little late with the news – by now you may have heard that Disney has shut down LucasArts, and then late last week came the news that Disney had also shut down it’s hand-drawn 2d animation studios.

I enjoyed Andreas Deja’s salute to hand-drawn animation. in his blog post that shows the care and hard work that goes into a scene where one character is acted by two animators.

In news closer to home, the Great Squibble Website Overhaul of 2013 continues! As always the site is a work in progress, and to be honest, that’s how I like it. The homepage has had a refresh, and the blog will be next! look out for new updates and projects coming soon.

Resources and Services, An inspiration search engine for designers!

Tired of Linkedin? Why not try claims to be the place where you can collect all of your media in one place – and publish it. You an use the service as a portfolio as well. I have been testing this week and am very happy with the service so far.

Adobe Edge Reflow (Preview)

I’ve been trying out the preview of Adobe Edge Reflow – a tool for creating wireframes for responsive layouts. I can see how eventually Reflow might help speed up my planning process, but at the moment there are just a few too many rough edges.

Good Read:

Alex Mathers tells us how he Got to be a Illustrator at Google With No Qualifications


I love this concept digital art tool set by Javier Jabalera that popped up in my Tumblr feed earlier this week: Project Linewand

Until Next Time!

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