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More Adventures in Metal and Ceramic 3d Printing!

Gold Steel Jewellery Designs Here are some photos of my recent 3d printing projects! This is my first attempt at printing anything in Shapeways’ gold steel option, and I loved how everything turned out! Pictured below, are four rings and a bangle. The bangle is...

More Adventures in 3d Printing – Ceramics

I have always wanted to make ceramic pieces, but do not have access to a kiln. I took part in Shapeways pilot program for porcelain and am very pleased with my test pieces! They exceeded my expectations and the quality and finish are exactly what I was hoping for. My...

Project – Adventures in 3d Printing

My First 3d Printed Design at Recently I decided to try using the Shapeways creator apps to create a ring and was surprised by how easy it was to make 3d-printed jewellery based on my own hand-drawn designs. After several test uploads I finally had a...