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First post for 2010 – Free Wallpaper and Updates

January 06, 2010

{rokbox title=|2010 :: Free Wallpaper| size=|800 400|}images/wallpaper/2010wallpaper.jpg{/rokbox}

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays! I know it’s a bit late, but here is a ‘2010’ wallpaper, free for you to download! The font is ‘Creaky Frank’, and I also used one of Greenspoon’s smoke brushes for Photoshop as a final touch!


Coming Up in January:

  • Another Teacup LOLcats comic
  • a new layout
  • more concept art!

Thank you for visiting Squibbleworld in 2009, 2010 will be even better! Don’t forget, you can follow Squibbleworld on Twitter!

