I’ve recently discovered this useful online reference book on sketching by Russell Stutler:
Having already tried some watercolour landscape sketches a few weeks back, I am keen to try again using this chapter in Russell Stutler’s book as a guide: How to Sketch.
‘Let’s face it; life is short and there’s so much to see that it’s hard to stay in one place for very long (sometimes life feels like a family vacation where everybody is compelled to keep moving). If producing a sketch becomes a big production requiring lots of time, then it won’t happen very often — it almost becomes a chore rather than that creative thrill you were hoping for. You want to get around and see all there is to see and yet you want to have fun sketching. You can balance these two by keeping a small sketchbook, a pencil and maybe a small set of watercolors with a waterbrush in your pocket. ‘
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I already have a waterbrush, so this week I am going to sort out a small portable watercolour kit that I can take out and about with me while sketching.