html5 reset –
‘Now that modern browsers are starting to support some of the really useful parts of HTML5 and CSS3, it’s time for our best practices to catch up, and we thought we’d put our files out there for everyone to use. By no means do we see this as the One True Way to start every project, but we think it’s a good starting place that anyone can make their own.’
An Introduction to jQuery Mobile –
Interesting Articles:
A List Apart: ‘Conversation is the New Attention’
‘When you pay attention together, and think about ideas together, and most importantly talk about them in the same energized moment, well, that’s where the best stuff really happens.’
Web browser versions are dead – Are automatic updates really the future?
Storage in the Cloud: makes storage in the cloud free and easy with 5GB of online storage. Don’t know if I am game to try this out yet, but services such as Evernote and Dropbox are good alternatives.
An Update on Actionmethod:
You might remember that a couple of weeks ago I tried out the Actionmenthod online organisation app. So far, I am enjoying the online planning and scheduling features although the app certainly hasn’t completely replaced my trusty notebook. However one feature I really like using is the ‘Backburner’ secton. If I have an idea for a future project that I don’t want to forget I can add it here, and all the notes can be categorised. If I am unable to log in to Actionmethod, but have access to email, I can also send an email to my personal actionmethod email address.
‘The Action Step will be waiting in your Action Method Online inbox for you to accept and assign to a project. You can send yourself Action Steps from any of your verified AMO email accounts.’
Don Bluth Animation Club:
I have been a fan of Don Bluth animation ever since I saw An American Tail in 1986. I now belong to the Don Bluth Animation club online! This is truly an amazing resource for animation students, and well worth the small monthly fee of $7.95 (U.S.).
The best feature of the club for me is that once a week members are able to attend a live seminar with Don Bluth himself. Don discusses various animation techniques and members are able to ask questions directly and receive help with their drawings and animation.
For those of you old enough to remember, here is the most famous song from the movie ‘An American Tale’.
somewhere out there (an american tail)