Exercise 45 from ‘The Natural Way to Draw’ by Kimon Nicolaïdes: Contrasting Lines.
“In the beginning, as a matter of pure exercise, draw a straight line to represent some contour on one side of the model. Then, attached to that, make a curved line. Continue up or down that side of the figure or object, alternating straight or curved lines and attaching each line to the one before it and the one after it. Proceed in the same way all around the figure, but, wherever there is a straight line on one side, try to put a curve opposite it on the other side. Use five-minute poses and always draw around the entire figure.”
This will be the last SketchbookSundays for a while, as I would now like to spend more time on my animation and drawing projects. SketchbookSundays will return later in the year, but from now on you can look forward to regular updates on my personal projects every Sunday!