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Featured on Friday

July 08, 2011

My favourite links this week from my Reader feed and as shared on Twitter.

Web Design and Development Resources:

‘Design is communication. Naturally we need to know what we’re trying to communicate in order to be able to communicate it effectively.
This is key to design.’

Via @boostnewmedia: Scrum in 10 Minutes – Heard about Scrum and wondering what it is? This post will help!

‘Today’s article looks at some of the reasons that floats are pretty lame and takes a look at a number of alternative layout systems, some of which are still under development but may one day represent the standard for CSS-based layout.’


Animation Tips & Tricks: How Do You Make an Unappealing Character Design Appealing? According to Mike Gasaway the answer is…

‘Emotion emotion emotion emotion emotion.

Did I say that word enough? I think even the ugliest of characters can be made appealing by the way he treats his emotions, especially the heartfelt ones: sadness, empathy, pity, understanding, joy and love.’
The Trailer for the Latest Studio Ghibli movie ‘Kokuriko-Zaka Kara’ has been released:

Social Media

I was lucky enough to receive my Google+ invite today, thanks to @thePixarTimes! I will be testing the service over the next week or so! Look out for a blog post on my first impressions next week!
