Social Media:
The biggest news in social media this week is that Google+ is finally open to the public. Google+ has also added nine new features including search which makes it far more user friendly.
Want to find out more about Google+? Read my article on how to get started on the new network: An Introduction to Google+ What You Need to Know to Get Started
Facebook is also busy introducing new features: Fiddling While Facebook Burns
New Guest Posts at PracticePlus+:
Is Your Web Content Being Read?
Getting Your Message Heard by the Right People
Digital Art Resource:
Sculptris Alpha 6 Available for Mac and Windows!
I had been waiting for a version of Sculptris for mac for so long and then I completely missed the release! I have just downloaded the mac version, and after playing with it for a little while I am pleased to say that I really enjoyed the experience! Sure beats downloading Winebottler in order to cobble together a working program from the Windows version!
Resource – Screen Capture Warehouse
Documentary link via – From Pencils to Pixels:
Ni No Kuni Gameplay Trailer
Check out the new Level 5 x Studio Ghilbi collaboration!