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News, Tips, and Views. 11/03/2013

March 11, 2013

News, Tips, and Views. 11/03/2013

News, Tips and Views will be a semi-regular feature on the blog in 2013. I will be posting links to useful tutorials, and interesting articles, so grab a nice cup of tea, kick back, and enjoy!

Video: Digital Painting tutorial

Picasaweb – Where Did it Go?

If, like me you are an occasional user of Picasa, you may not have noticed that the service has suddenly started to redirect you to your google+ albums. I mostly use Picasa web for the purposes of embedding photos on my blog from my Google account, thus saving on bandwidth. Google+ albums are easier to navigate, but I find the lack of useful features such as the ability to embed photos and albums. Here’s a tip to get around the instant re-direct from the (unofficial) Google Operating System blog.

Go to this link :

‘When you use that URL, Google also sets a cookie value that prevents the redirect to Google+ Photos even when you enter in the address bar.’

Jeffrey Zeldman on the dream of a standards-based web – .net Magazine

The father of web standards fondly remembers The Web Standards Project and how it revolutionised the industry.

Posterous Closing at End of April

Posterous is closing down at the end of April. Read more here and find out how to back up your data.

Special Effects in Les Misérables:

I finally got to see Les Misérables this week, and thoroughly enjoyed this new adaptation of the stage musical! Here is an article from about the making of the film with behind the scenes snippets and featurettes!
