There were four fun challenges to complete as optional extras for MIID Winter School 2018 as well as the Intermediate and Advanced creative briefs.
Intermediate Fun Challenge 1: Seasonal Colours
The task involved taking a photo while out and about that represented the colours of the season. As it is currently summer here in New Zealand, I went to the beach and enjoyed my afternoon taking photos at the seaside. I picked a few colours from the photo to make a colour palette which you can see below:

Intermediate Fun Challenge 2: Photographic Objects

The theme of this challenge was to find and photograph patterns in everyday objects. I chose to photograph lollies, and also created a stop motion animation:
Stop Motion Candy from Squibble Design on Vimeo.

Advanced Fun Challenge 1: DIY Washi Tape
I found this task quite challenging as the tissue paper was flimsy and difficult to colour with my watercolours. I also made a few mistakes while adding the double-sided tape to the tissue paper, but was pleased with how my DIY Washi tape turned out in the end. I would definitely do this again, with a few adjustments.

Advanced Fun Challenge 2: Embroider a Photo
This last challenge was the most difficult as I have only done a very little embroidery, most of it cross-stitch! However after watching a few YouTube video tutorials, I was able to clumsily reproduce the stitches I needed. I also experimented with printing my design directly onto cotton with my inkjet printer and was surprised at the results. The print itself is not colour-fast but I believe if you wanted you could prepare the material before printing to make it colour-fast.

I will experiment with this process further, and write another post on printing directly onto material with an inkjet printer at a later date.