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May – June 2019

Current Projects! May – June 2019 New Oil Painting – Mr Tuatara I have started a new oil painting, Mr Tuatara. This is the last painting in my Victorian Animals series and is currently at the underpainting stage. The photo above is a work in progress...
Summer and Autumn 2019

Summer and Autumn 2019

Hello there! I just realised I have been so busy that I have not updated the blog for a little while. Even though I have been updating social media, streaming, posting videos to Youtube and updating my Patreon – I don’t want to neglect my blog in the...

Update – September 2018

Hey everyone, I have some news! Recently the company I worked for was sold, and I have taken the opportunity to strike out on my own and start working on my art and design projects full time! I am so excited to have this opportunity and have already been making the...