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Oops! It’s 2024!

Oops! It’s 2024!

Where did the last three years go? I have been working on commissions and my Opera Moths painting project and in the meantime portfolio site updates fell by the wayside. My other site Squibble Design has moved, with the addition of a shop hosted on Ko-fi. I am still...

Basekit Competition – One of the Top Twenty!

My entry for the Basekit Design Competition made it into the top Twenty! The Top Ten finalists are named next week.   {rokbox title=|Basekit Competition May 2010 :: One of the Top Twenty Finalists.| size=|446 328|}images/blogpics/squibbleatbasekit.jpg{/rokbox}   Visit...

Archived: Impromptu Magazine

A Webzine published between 2002 – 2003. Originally hosted at, original issues of the webzine are now hosted at